FSFLA 2011
Виявляється, окрім Весняної школи з формальних мов та їхніх застосувань (SSFLA), є ще й відповідна Осіння школа (FSFLA). Маємо інформаційний матеріал про школу, яка відбудеться в Таррагоні (Іспанія) 31 жовтня – 4 листопада цього року:
FSFLA 2011
(formerly International PhD School in Formal Languages and Applications)
Tarragona, Spain
October 31 – November 4, 2011
Organized by: Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics Rovira i Virgili University
Undergraduate and graduate students from around the world. Most appropriate degrees include: Computer Science and Mathematics. Other students (for instance, from Linguistics, Electrical Engineering, Molecular Biology or Logic) are welcome too provided they have a good background in discrete mathematics.
The School is appropriate also for people more advanced in their career who want to keep themselves updated on developments in the field.
There will be no overlap in the schedule of the courses. The previous event was SSFLA 2011 (http://grammars.grlmc.com/ssfla2011/).
- Franz Baader (Technische Dresden), Reasoning in Description Logics [intermediate, 6 hours]
- Manfred Droste (Leipzig), Weighted Automata and Weighted Logic [introductory/advanced, 8 hours]
- - Max H. Garzon (Memphis), DNA Codeword Design and DNA Languages [introductory/intermediate, 10 hours]
- - Venkatesan Guruswami (Carnegie Mellon), The Complexity of Approximate Constraint Satisfaction [intermediate, 6 hours]
- - Tao Jiang (California Riverside), Average-case Analysis and Lower Bounds by the Incompressibility Method [intermediate, 6 hours]
- - Michael Moortgat (Utrecht), Type-logical Grammars: Expressivity, Parsing Complexity [introductory/advanced, 8 hours]
- - Helmut Seidl (Technische München), Macro Treetransducers for XML Processing [intermediate, 6 hours] - Alan Selman (Buffalo), Probabilistic Complexity Classes [intermediate, 10 hours]
- - Jeffrey Shallit (Waterloo), Automatic Sequences, Decidability, and Enumeration [intermediate, 6 hours]
On a voluntary basis, within 6 months after the end of the School, students will be expected to draft an individual or jointly-authored research paper on a topic covered during the classes under the guidance of the lecturing staff.
It has to be done on line at http://grammars.grlmc.com/fsfla2011/Registration.php
They are variable, depending on the number of courses each student takes. The rule is:
1 hour =
- 10 euros (for payments until July 31, 2011),
- 15 euros (for payments after July 31, 2011).
The fees must be paid to the School's bank account:
Uno-e Bank (Julian Camarillo 4 C, 28037 Madrid, Spain): IBAN: ES3902270001820201823142 - Swift code: UNOEESM1 (account holder: Carlos Martin-Vide GRLMC; address: Av. Catalunya, 35, 43002 Tarragona, Spain)
Please mention FSFLA 2011 and your full name in the subject. A receipt will be provided on site. Bank transfers should not involve any expense for the School.
For early reduced rates, please notice that the date that counts is the date of the arrival of the fees to the School’s account.
People registering on site at the beginning of the School must pay in cash. For the sake of local organization, however, it is much recommended to complete the registration and the payment earlier.
Information about accommodation is available on the website of the School.
Students will be delivered a certificate stating the courses attended, their contents, and their duration. Those participants who will choose to be involved in a research paper will receive an additional certificate at the completion of the task, independently on whether the paper will finally get published or not.
Announcement of the programme: June 4, 2011
Starting of the registration: June 4, 2011
Early registration deadline: July 31, 2011
Starting of the School: October 31, 2011
End of the School: November 4, 2011
Lilica Voicu: florentinalilica.voicu@urv.cat
FSFLA 2011
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics
Rovira i Virgili University
Av. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona, Spain
Phone: +34-977-559543
Fax: +34-977-558386
Diputació de Tarragona
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
- Версія для друку
- Увійдіть щоб залишати відгуки
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