Дедлайн конгресу в Празі відсунувся на січень 2019 року
5–10 серпня наступного 2019 року в Празі відбудеться 16-ий за ліком Міжнародний конгрес із логіки, методології та філософії науки й технологій. Останній строк подачі матеріалів перенесено на 9 січня 2019 року. Трохи офіційних даних про конгрес:
5–10 August 2019
CLMPST 2019 calls for contributed papers and contributed symposia in 20 thematic sections:
A. Logic
A.1 Mathematical Logic
A.2 Philosophical Logic
A.3 Computational Logic and Applications of Logic
A.4 Historical Aspects of Logic
B. General Philosophy of Science
B.1 Methodology
B.2 Formal Philosophy of Science and Formal Epistemology
B.3 Empirical and Experimental Philosophy of Science
B.4 Metaphysical Issues in the Philosophy of Science
B.5 Ethical and Political Issues in the Philosophy of Science
B.6 Historical Aspects of the Philosophy of Science
B.7 Educational Aspects of the Philosophy of Science
C. Philosophical Issues of Particular Disciplines
C.1 Philosophy of the Formal Sciences (including Logic, Mathematics, Statistics)
C.2 Philosophy of the Physical Sciences (including Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science, Climate Science)
C.3 Philosophy of the Life Sciences
C.4 Philosophy of the Biomedical and Health Sciences
C.5 Philosophy of the Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences
C.6 Philosophy of Computing and Computation
C.7 Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences
C.8 Philosophy of the Applied Sciences and Technology
C.9 Philosophy of Emerging Sciences
Important dates
9 January 2019 Extended deadline for abstract submissions
March 2019 Notifications of acceptance
March 2019 Congress registration opens
15 May 2019 Deadline for early registrations
15 July 2019 No more refunds for registration cancellations
5–10 August 2019 CLMPST 2019, Czech Technical University, Prague
Congress fees:
By 15. 05. 2019 | 16. 05 – 15. 07. 2019 | On-site | |
Standard fee | 280 € | 395 € | 450 € |
Reduced fee* | 95 € | 150 € | 200 € |
Accomp. persons | 50 € | 60 € | 60 € |
* Reduced fee applies to students (including PhD students), participants from countries with developing economies (ISI Listing – https://www.isi-web.org/index.php/resources/developing-countries) and emeritus faculty without access to departmental funds.
* * *
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