11th Panhellenic Logic Symposium
Повідомляємо всім, хто не встиг подати заявку на участь у цьогорічному 11-му Всегрецькому логічному симпозіумі, який пройде 12–16 липня у грецьких Дельфах, що строки прийому заявок на участь та матеріалів продовжено до кінця нинішнього місяця, тобто, до 30 квітня. А саме, на офіційному сайті бачимо оновлений запис:
11th Panhellenic Logic Symposium
July 12-16, 2017
Delphi, Greece
Second Call for Papers
The Scientific Committee cordially invites all researchers in the area of the conference to submit their papers until Sunday, April 30, 2017 (in PDF-format, in English, at most 6 pages) for presentation at PLS11. Papers should be prepared using the EasyChair class style and submitted electronically, using the Easy Chair conference system.
All submitted papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the symposium, who will make final decisions on acceptance. Authors of submitted papers will be notified of the decision by Friday, May 26, 2017. Camera-ready papers will be due by Friday, June 16, 2017 for inclusion in the symposium proceedings which will be distributed to all participants. During the symposium, each accepted paper will be presented (a twenty minutes talk) by one of its authors, with five extra minutes for questions.
If possible, each submitted paper should be classified in one of the following areas:
- Ancient Logic
- Computability Theory
- History and Philosophy of Logic
- Logic in Computer Science
- Model Theory
- Nonclassical and Modal Logics
- Proof Theory
- Set Theory
Poster Session
Graduate students and young researchers are invited to submit a short abstract on work in progress. Authors of accepted abstracts will have an opportunity to present their results in poster form in a special poster session. Interested students and young researchers should submit abstracts of no more than one page in PDF form by Friday, June 16, 2017, by sending them to: pls11@softlab.ntua.gr.
- Версія для друку
- Увійдіть щоб залишати відгуки
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