Logic Prize
The Ukrainian Logic Society announces the contest for young scientists.
1) The Prize will be awarded every three years.
2) Contestants should submit an unpublished paper (between 10 and 30 pages) in any area of logic, written in English. The paper should have at most two authors (both young scientists).
3) The jury cosists of Ukrainian researchers from different regions of the country who represent various areas of logic.
4) The prize, besides being an honor, will support the winner's participation in the World Congress of Universal Logic and the publication of the paper in the Logica Universalis journal, Birkhauser. The prize is a part of the project A PRIZE OF LOGIC IN EVERY COUNTRY.
5) Contestants must be from 18 to 35 years old. Contestants should live in Ukraine and be affiliated with a university (or other educational institution) in Ukraine.
6) Competition jury is formed together with the announcement of each contest.
7) Competitors papers should be presented during the World Logic Day on January 14.
Останні коментарі
6 years 46 weeks тому
10 years 8 weeks тому
11 years 43 weeks тому
11 years 46 weeks тому
11 years 1 week тому
12 years 10 weeks тому
12 years 10 weeks тому
12 years 10 weeks тому
12 years 18 weeks тому
12 years 18 weeks тому