UNILOG 2021 - The 7th World Congress and School on Universal Logic
Організатори UNILOG — Всесвітніх конгресу та школи з універсальної логіки — налаштовані оптимістично і планують провести 7-ий конгрес і школу на рубежі березня і травня наступного 2021 року на Криті. Це вже більш реалістично, ніж проведення заходів цього року, хоча, розвиток подій не дозволяє поки вважати цілком реалістичними і такі строки. Однак, тези можна починати писати вже. Офіційне повідомлення від організаторів:
UNILOG 2021 -
The 7th World Congress and School on Universal Logic -
will take place at the Orthodox Academy of Crete
March 28 - April 7, 2021
UNILOG is a series of events (combining a congress and a school) promoting
- logic in all its aspects: mathematical, philosophical, computational, semiological, historical
- the relation between logic and other fields: physics, biology, economics, law, politics, religion, music, literature, pedagogy, color theory, medicine, psychology, psychoanalysis, cognitive science, architecture, artificial intelligence, sociology, linguistics, anthropology.
The school will have a duration of 5 days: from March 28 to April 1st 2021 with:
- an opening round table on the topic "Why study logic?"
- 30 tutorials
- A poster session.
The congress will have a duration of 6 days: from April 2 to April 7 2021 with
- invited speakers
- contributing speakers
- workshops
- a secret speaker (as in previous editions), i.e. a speaker whose identity is revealed only at the time of his/her/its talk or after
- a contest
The 1st World Logic Prizes Contest took place in Vichy, France, during the 6th UNILOG in 2018.
This contest is a competition between winners of logic prizes of different countries.
To the winner is awarded the Universal Logic Prize.
UNILOG 2021 is organized under the Aegis of the Government of Crete.
Crete is an island with a history of about 5.000 years, cradle of Western civilization, including the Labyrinth, Plato's cave and much more.
Everybody is welcome to join and enjoy this wonderful place.
UNILOG 2021 - The 7th World Congress and School on Universal Logic
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