Report on celebration of the 5th World Logic Day in Ukraine

Report on celebration of the 5th World Logic Day in Ukraine

The 5th World Logic Day on January 14, 2023 turned out to be a tragic day for Ukraine. The Russian Army attacked by missiles many regions of the country. This led to numerous victims among civil citizens and blackouts. Despite these difficulties the Ukrainian Logic Society decided not to cancel the seminar “Logic and its Applications” devoted to the 5th World Logic Day.
The following talks were presented at the seminar:
- Prof. Grygoriy Zoltkevich. Determining Trace Semantics in the Case of Coalgebras for omega-Continuous Endofunctors.
- Prof. Ihor Dutsyak. Generalized Notation of Boolean Functions for an Arbitrary Number of Arguments.
- Prof. Stepan Shkilniak. Pure First-Order Logics of Quasiary Predicates with Equality: their Varieties, Semantic Properties, and Sequent Calculi.
- Dr. Yaroslav Kokhan. Systems of Alternatives and Their Relations.
- Dr. Ievgen Ivanov. Towards a Generalized Theory of Inductive Definitions.
- Prof. Mykola Nikitchenko. Philosophical Aspects in Foundations of Mathematical Logic.
The members of the Society also joined some other events devoted to the World Logic Day.
Mykola Nikitchenko,
Chairman of the Ukrainian Logic Society
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