Symposium on Logic and Artificial Intelligence • 2022
The Symposium on Logic and Artificial Intelligence (“Symposium on L&AI” or “SLAI”) is annually organized by the International Society for Logic and Artificial Intelligence (ISLAI) in cooperation with research, development and educational organizations worldwide. SLAI is intended to add synergy to the efforts of researchers working on logic, AI, and their confluence. Round tables are planned to ensure an open debate on the state of the art and new directions.
SLAI-2022 is organized in cooperation with:
- Louisiana Scholars’ College at Northwestern State University, Louisiana, USA, Host
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine,
- Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania,
- Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Chisinau, Moldova,
- Ukrainian Logic Society, Ukraine,
- Academy of Sciences, Moldova.
SLAI-2022 is devoted to the World Logic Day.
Collocated to SLAI-2022 events are
- Moldovan Prizes in Logic and Artificial Intelligence
- Romanian Prizes in Logic and Artificial Intelligence
- Ukrainian Seminar on Logic and its Applications – 2022
SLAI-2022 with collocated events is a cluster of World Logic Day events.
Each talk will be scheduled for one of the two time slots:
- American time slot (CST timezone), and
- European time slot (EEST timezone).
Call for papers/Topics
All accepted papers will be published in Proceedings of L&AI Symposium within one month after the symposium. The selected papers will be also published after the conference in the CSJM (Computer Science Journal of Moldova – indexed in Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt MATH, Clarivate Analytics/Web of Science (ISI), MathSciNet, DBLP, DOAJ, EBSCO) or in the Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, ser. Mathematics (indexed in Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt MATH, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), Russian RZh Matematika).
Any original contributions are welcome, including but not limited to:
- logic in informatics, databases, and artificial intelligence;
- theoretical aspects of artificial intelligence;
- theoretical aspects of automated reasoning;
- combining artificial intelligence with augmented and virtual reality;
- data mining and knowledge discovery;
- knowledge representation and knowledge modeling;
- ontologies and semantic technologies;
- natural language processing, text mining and text generation;
- logic of natural language;
- formal languages and automata;
- neural networks and Bayesian network (synonyms: belief network, or decision network);
- machine learning and deep learning;
- explainable artificial intelligence;
- nonclassical logics and their applications;
- abductive reasoning;
- fuzzy logics and many-valued logics;
- causal inference;
- epistemic and temporal reasoning;
- inductive reasoning;
- rough sets / rough set computing.
The papers will be submitted through the Easy Chair system.
Requirements to papers:
Your paper is required to be 6-16 pages in English (one page approximating A5 size, i.e. about 800 words), and using the SLAI templates (SLAI2022_template_A5.doc; slai2022_template.tex, slai2022_template.pdf, slai_2022.sty).
Please, start with a succinct statement of the problem, present your results, their significance and a comparison with previous works (if any), as well as a list of references. The submissions should also include the title of proposed paper, author’s names, affiliations, addresses, the name of an author to contact for a possible correspondence, the e-mail address of the contact author, and topics which best describe the paper (max. 5 keywords).
Plagiarism check
Please be informed, that the camera-ready version of your paper will be checked for (self-) plagiarism. This check is performed as SLAI commits to comply with the Committee on Publication Ethics Guidelines (https://publicationethics.org/guidance/Guidelines). The papers that fail to pass this check will be excluded from the proceedings.
Important Dates
All deadlines are at 23:59 Hawaii time on the date given below:
- Paper submission deadline: October 18, 2021.
- Acceptance notification: November 29, 2021.
- Registration deadline: January 10, 2022.
- Symposium: January 12–16, 2022.
Keynote Speakers
David Makinson (London, UK):
Logicians like climbing trees
Leora Morgenstern (Palo Alto, USA):
From text to battle simulations using formal representations: How NLP, logic, and planning work together in COMBAT
Irina Perfilieva (Ostrava, Czech Republic):
Fuzzy sets, fuzzy partitions and manifolds
Anatol Reibold (Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany):
Deep learning as a special case of abductive reasoning
Dimiter Vakarelov (Sofia, Bulgaria):
Region-based theories of space and time
Please contact us by the email slai2022(at)islai.org
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