Logica Universalis Webinar
На хвилі пандемії Covid-19 набувають популярності заходи, організовані винятково у віртуальному режимі. Серед інших маємо й низку заходів від проекту Logica Universalis, об'єдниних під спільною назвою «Logica Universalis Webinar» («вебінар» — невдала, проте поширена назва для семінару, проведеного он-лайн; невдалість полягає в тому, що такі семінари проводяться не у web, а за допомогою окремих програм для організації відеоконференцій та потокового мовлення).
Самі організатори пишуть наступне:
«The Logica Universalis Webinar is a World Seminar Series connected to the journal Logica Universalis, the book series Studies in Universal Logic and the Universal Logic Project. It is an open platform for all scholars interested in the many aspects of logic.
The sessions take place on Wednesdays at 4pm CEST (click here to convert to your timezone). They are held via Zoom and are free to attend. Please register in advance.
Registration is now open!
Video recordings of the seminars are uploaded on the YouTube channel Universal Logic Project.
Each session of the webinar is chaired by a member of the editorial board of the journal Logica Universalis (LU), the book series Studies in Universal Logic (SUL) or an organizer of an event of the Universal Logic Project (ULP). Sessions will start with a short presentation of a logical organization related to the region of the speaker or the topic of the talk. The talk (30 min) will focus on a recently published paper in LU, on a book in SUL, on an event or on the ULP. Talks are followed by a discussion (15 min).»
Розклад семінарів он-лайн до кінця року наступний:
Date | Speaker | Title | Organization | Chair |
April 14 | Jean-Yves Beziau (University of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro) |
UNILOG’2022: 7th World Congress and School on Universal Logic April 1-11, 2022 Related LU papers: Universal Logic: Evolution of a Project and Special Issue: 1st Logic Prizes Contest, vol-12, 2018 |
Orthodox Academy of Crete Ioannis Vandoulakis Organizer UNILOG’2022 |
Elena Lisanyuk Scientific Committee UNILOG’2022 |
April 21 | Stephen Read (University of St Andrews, UK) |
Swyneshed, Aristotle and the Rule of Contradictory Pairs | Square of Opposition Project | Jens Lemanski Editor of the LU special issue: The Cretan Square |
May 12 | Petra Murinová (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic) |
Graded Structures of Opposition in Fuzzy Natural Logic | TBA | TBA |
May 19 | Frank Sautter (Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil) |
A Bunch of Diagrammatic Methods for Syllogistic | Brazilian Logic Society Cezar Mortari, President |
Itala D’Ottaviano Editorial Board LU |
June 16 | Andrzej Indrzejczak (University of Łódź, Poland) |
Sequents and Trees | Polish Association for Logic and Philosophy of Science | Peter Schroeder-Heister Editorial Board SUL |
June 23 | Dov Gabbay (University of Luxembourg Bar-Ilan University, Israel King’s College London, UK) |
The Talmudic Logic Project | Logic and Religion Association Ricardo Silvestre, President |
Stanisław Krajewski and Marcin Trepczyński Editors of the LU special issue: Theological Discourse and Logic |
July 14 | Laura Follesa (University of Barcelona, Spain) |
From Necessary Truths to Feelings: The Foundations of Mathematics in Leibniz and Schopenhauer (Chapter of Language, Logic, and Mathematics in Schopenhauer) | Schopenhauer Society | Francesco Paoli Editorial Board SUL and Jens Lemanski Editor of Language, Logic, and Mathematics in Schopenhauer |
July 21 | Reetu Bhattacharjee (Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India) |
A Venn Diagram System for Universe Without Boundary | Calcutta Logic Circle Mihir Chakraborty, President |
Raja Natarajan Editorial Board LU |
August 11 | Yale Weiss (City University of New York, USA) |
A Reinterpretation of the Semilattice Semantics with Applications (to appear soon in LU) | Saul Kripke Center | Melvin Fitting Editorial Board LU |
August 18 | Tin Perkov (University of Zagreb, Croatia) |
Logical constants in abstract frameworks | Croatian Logic Association Srećko Kovač, President |
Srećko Kovač Editorial Board LU |
September 15 | Josué Antonio Nescolarde Selva (University of Alicante, Spain) |
Four Interpretations of the Liar Paradox (to appear soon in LU) | Spanish Society of Logic and Methodology and Philosophy of Science Cristina Corredore, President |
Maria Manzano Editorial Board LU |
October 13 | Amirouche Moktefi (Ragnar Nurkse Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia) |
Why make things simple when you can make them complicated? An appreciation of Lewis Carroll’s symbolic logic (to appear soon in LU) |
Lewis Carroll Society Steve Folan, Chairman |
Leo Corry Editorial Board LU |
November 17 | Yaroslav Petrukhin (University of Łódź, Poland) Vasilyi Shangin (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) |
Correspondence Analysis for Some Fragments of Classical Propositional Logic | Moscow Logic Group Vladimir Vasyukov Chairman |
Editorial Board LU |
December 8 | John Grant (University of Mariland, USA) |
Measuring Inconsistency in Generalized Propositional Logic | TBA | TBA |
December 15 | Scott Pratt (University of Oregon, USA) |
Decolonizing “Natural Logic” (Chapter of Logical Skills) | Julie Brumberg-Chaumont and Claude Rosenthal Editors of the book Logical Skills |
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