A position at the Jagiellonian University Department of Logic
З Польщі надійшла термінова інформація про наявність викладацької вакансії з логіки в Ягеллонському університеті (вакансія ось-ось має бути закрита). Подача заявок від українців усіляко вітається. З отриманого нами повідомлення мовою оригіналу:
Dear Colleagues,
we have a vacancy of an assistant professor position ("adiunkt" in Polish nomenclature) at the Department of Logic of the Jagiellonian University. The department is a part of Institute of Philosophy, but it has a long tradition of research in mathematical logic, in particular algebraic logic. We would welcome applications from young and mid-career Ukrainian mathematical logicians. Here is the link to the announcement of an open competition for the position.
The announcement is in Polish, the deadline for applications is 26 May 2022. Despite the Polish-only announcement, it was recently decided that international applicants are welcome, hence the late notice.
To give you some information about the environment, here is our department's web page:
The page is still under construction, and the department under re-construction, after a few unlucky years.
Here is the page if the Institute of Philosophy:
Інформація надійшла від габілітованого доктора, професора Томаша Ковальського, до якого можна звернутися за подальшими роз'ясненнями й допомогою. Сам він пише з цього приводу:
I am an algebraic logician. I graduated from the Jagiellonian University, from 1998 until 2021 I worked overseas (Japan, Australia), but now I returned to my Alma Mater and I am working on bringing algebraic logic back to my old department. Here is link to my webpage:
Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.
Tomasz Kowalski
Dr hab., prof. UJ, Pracownia Logiki, IF UJ, Poland
Adjunct Prof. of Mathematics, La Trobe University, Australia
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