Наступного, 2022-го року на грецькому Криті заплановано проведення чергових, вже 7-их Всесвітніх конгресу та школи з універсальної логіки. Вже маємо сайт події та повідомлення від організаторів:
In one year will start the 7th edition of UNILOG to take place at the Orthodox Academy of Crete, April 1-11, 2022 with a school (April 1-5) and a congress (April 6-11).
The school will offer 30 tutorials on all aspects of logic.
The congress will include 20 workshops, the World Logic Prizes Contest and a Secret Speaker.
You can submit a tutorial, a workshop or a talk (see the link above).
Talks related to any aspect of logic are welcome. Send a one page abstract to UNILOG 2022 (unilog2021@uni-log.org) before July 21st, 2021.
You can also submit a workshop related to any aspect of logic. Send a one page description of the workshop to UNILOG'2022 before May 21st, 2021. Organizers of workshop will be responsible for the selection of the keynote and contributing speakers of their workshop (circulating a CFP) and should state if they can financially support their coming and the coming of their keynote speakers. A workshop should have 1 to 3 keynote speakers and between 5 to 15 contributing speakers. The duration of a workshop is between half a day and two days. Workshops take place during the congress.
It is possible also to submit a tutorial for the school related to any aspect of logic. Send a one page description of the tutorial to UNILOG'2022 before May 21st, 2021. A tutorial has a duration of 3h displayed in three sessions, each session being on a different day. Those who are submitting a tutorial should state if they can financially support their coming. They should be able to promote their tutorial to attract a good audience.
Early Registration fee - before Nov 1st, 2021
School: Euro 300
Congress: Euro 300
Congress + School: Euro 500
School: Euro 200
Congress: Euro 200
Congress + School: Euro 400
Registration fee after 01.11.2021 or on Arrival
School: Euro 450
Congress: Euro 450
Congress + School: Euro 650
School: Euro 350
Congress: Euro 350
Congress + School: Euro 550
Reduced fee applies to people having an income lower than 1.000 euros per month independently of their country of origin or position (Professor, Student, etc.)