Наступного, 2015 року у Стамбулі (Туреччина) пройде п’ятий за ліком світовий логічний конгрес UNILOG. Повідомлення від організаторів:
Since 2005 UNILOG has been a major event in logic, dealing with all aspects of logic and gathering researchers from all over the world such as Michael Dunn, Hartry Field, Jaakko Hintikka, Wilfrid Hodges, Saul Kripke, Dov Gabbay, Yuri Gurevich, Roberto Casati, David Makinson, Jan Wolenski, Stephen Read, Krister Segerberg, Gerhard Jäger, Daniele Mundici, Vincent Hendricks, etc.
The 1st edition was in Montreux, Switzerland (2005), the 2nd in Xi'an, China (2007), the 3rd in Lisbon, Portugal (2010), the 4th in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2013). The 5th edition will happen in Istanbul, Turkey, June 20-30, 2015.
In UNILOG'2015 there will be a school with about 30 tutorials followed by a congress with many workshops and invited speakers.
As in previous editions there will also be a contest (The Future of Logic) and a secret speaker (a speaker whose identity is revealed only at the time of her/his/its talk).
The tutorials of UNILOG'2015 will provide a serious background for a general knowledge of the logical world.
They are divided into three categories:
1) History of Logic: the logic of Aristotle, Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Boole, Husserl, Frege, etc.
2) Logic and XXX: Logic and Music, Logic an Colours, Logic and Nonsense, Logic and Information, Logic and the Theory of Relativity, Logic and Fiction, etc.
3) Theorems: Compactness theorem, Completeness theorem, Lindström theorem, Gödel's incompleteness theorem, etc.
During the congress there will be an amazing variety of workshops:
- Philosophy of non-classical logics;
- Representation and reality: humans, animals and machines;
- Computational Creativity, Concept Invention and General Intelligence - C3GI;
- Connexive Logics;
- Logic and the Web;
And as in previous editions there will be a book exhibition with the main publishers:
Springer, Cambridge, Oxford, etc.
Will be launched in particular the book "The Life and Work of Leon Henkin" edited by M.Manzano, I.Sain and E.Alonso
and the first ever Encyclopaedia of Logic
Welcome to Istanbul for UNILOG'2015
5th World Congress and School on Universal Logic
A good opportunity to develop your reasoning capacities!
Дещо запізніле повідомлення, але, можливо, комусь ще знадобиться. 3–8 серпня наступного 2015 року у столиці Фінлянді Гельсінкі пройде 15-й Конгрес з логіки, методології та філософії науки.
Докладно про конгрес можна дізнатися на його сайті clmps.helsinki.fi. Наводимо тільки основні дати:
17 March, 2014 Call For Papers, abstract submission opens
30 November, 2014 Deadline for abstract submissions
9 January, 2015 Extended deadline for abstract submissions
15 January, 2015 Congress registration opens
30 January, 2015 Notifications of acceptance
March 2015 Preliminary programme announced
31 May, 2015 Deadline for early registrations
13 July, 2015 No more refunds for registration cancellations
3-8 August, 2015 CLMPS 2015, University of Helsinki
Цього року в Греції, на батьківщині Піфагора острові Самос 11–15 червня відбудеться 10-й Всегрецький логічний симпозіум. Симпозіум органцізаційно поєднано з 5-м Всесвітнім конгресом і школою з універальної логіки (UNILOG'2015), котрі пройдуть в Туреччині, у Стамбулі 20–30 червня. Різниця в датах дозволяє всім охочим взяти участь в обох (чи навіть всіх трьох) оголошених заходах.
Нині розпочато прийом розширених тез на 10-й Всегрецький логічний симпозіум. Тези мають вкладатися у 5 стор. і бути надісланими до 1 квітня через систему EasyChair. Оголошення від організаторів з подробицями:
June 11-15, 2015
Samos, Greece
The Panhellenic Logic Symposium, a biennial scientific event established in 1997, aims to promote interaction and cross-fertilization among
different areas of logic. Originally conceived as a way of bringing together the many logicians of Hellenic descent throughout the world, it has evolved into an international forum for the communication of state-of-the-art advances in Logic. The Symposium is open to researchers worldwide who work in logic,
broadly conceived. The Tenth Panhellenic Logic Symposium will be hosted by the Department
of Mathematics at the University of the Aegean, located at Karlovasi, Samos.
The dates have been chosen so that participants may continue to participate
in UNILOG 2015
The scientific program of the symposium will consist of one-hour long
invited talks, two- to three-hour long tutorials, and about twenty-to-thirty-minute
presentations of accepted contributed papers. There will also be a poster presentation
and opportunities for students and young researchers to present work in progress.
The following have accepted to deliver invited talks/tutorials:
* J.-Y. Beziau (University of Rio de Janeiro)
* P. D'Aquino (Seconda Universita di Napoli)
* S. Durhan (Middle-East Technical University, Ankara)
* R. Sklinos (University of Lyon 1)
* N. Tzevelekos (Queen Mary University of London)
* X. Vidaux (University of Concepcion, Chile)
Original papers that fall within the scope of the symposium are solicited.
Prospective speakers of twenty-five-minute presentations are invited to submit an extended abstract, in English, not exceeding five pages, by 1 April 2015.
Papers should be prepared using the EasyChair class style (available from
http://www.easychair.org/publications/?page=1594225690) and submitted
electronically, using the Easy Chair conference system, at
If possible, each submitted paper should be classified in one of the
areas (in alphabetical order):
* Algebraic and Categorical Methods in Logic
* Computability Theory
* History and Philosophy of Logic
* Logic in Computer Science
* Model Theory
* Nonclassical and Modal Logics
* Proof Theory
* Set Theory
* Universal Logic
All submitted papers will be reviewed by the scientific committee of the
symposium, who will make final decisions on acceptance or rejection. During
the symposium, each accepted paper will be presented by one of its
Authors of submitted papers will be notified of the decision by 4 May 2015.
Camera-ready extended abstracts will be due by May 31 for inclusion in the symposium proceedings.
Graduate students and young researchers are invited to submit a short
abstract on work in progress but not yet ready for a regular contributed talk.
Authors of accepted abstracts will have an opportunity to present their results in poster form in a special poster session.
Interested students should submit abstracts of no more than one page in
.pdf form by May 31, by sending them to: pls10@aegean.gr
* Abstract Submission Deadline: April 1, 2015
* Acceptance/Rejection Notification: May 4, 2015
* Camera-ready Papers Deadline: May 31, 2015
* Abstracts of Posters Deadline: May 31, 2015
* Conference Dates: June 11-15, 2015
Costas Dimitracopoulos, University of Athens
Antonis Kakas, University of Cyprus
Lefteris Kirousis, University of Athens
Phokion G. Kolaitis, UCSC and IBM Research-Almaden
Joan Moschovakis, Occidental College and MPLA
Nikolaos Papaspyrou, National Technical University of Athens
Thanases Pheidas, University of Crete (Chair, pheidas@math.uoc.gr)
George Tourlakis, York University, Canada
Stathis Zachos, National Technical University of Athens
Charalampos Cornaros, University of Aegean (Chair, kornaros@aegean.gr)
Costas Dimitracopoulos, University of Athens
Nikolaos Papaspyrou, National Technical University of Athens
PLS10 email address: pls10@aegean.gr
Thanases Pheidas (Chair of the Scientific Committee)
Charalampos Cornaros (Chair of the Organizing Committee)
Address: University of the Aegean
Department of Mathematics
83200 Karlovasi, Samos
Tel: +30 22730 82137
Fax: +30 22730 82109
Цього року 4–6 листопада в мексиканській Пуеблі (Puebla) відбудеться Перший Всесвітній конгрес із аналогії. Тези обсягом в одну сторінку слід висилати організаторам до 30 вересня. Тобто, часу зовсім обмаль — але організатори тільки-тільки розіслали повідомлення. Його оригінал:
Puebla, Mexico, November 4-6, 2015
This is the first world event dedicated to analogy in all its aspects. This event wants to promote interdisciplinary. It is of interest for all people dealing with analogy in one way or another: philosophers, logicians, mathematicians, artists, computer scientists, linguists, psychologists, etc.
This is an event jointly sponsored by the University of Puebla in Mexico and the University Adam Mickiewicz in Poland.
We invite submissions for contributions on all aspects of analogy in Science, Philosophy, Humanities and Art. Work of an interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome.
To submit a contribution send a one page abstract before September 30, 2015 to analogy2015@gmail.com